What is the Year of YOU?

This is an online coaching course that uses the philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda to guide us toward joy and ease in life. These ancient principles taught alongside modern behavioral science allow you to sync into daily routines and self-care practices that connect you to your highest self. Your own decision-making gets stronger and clearer as you trust your self more each day.
The Year of YOU is a paradigm shift away from the “No Pain No Gain” mentality to the idea that slow steady evolution reaps sustainable rewards. We practice small habit changes that course correct to your desired path with simple daily choices. No huge upheaval of life or commitment to intense rules.
  • Create deep connections
  • Rise with a smile and readiness for your day
  • Feel abundant energy and passion for life
  • Fall into deep restorative sleep at night

What makes the Year of YOU unique?

Simply Daily Practices:
When you do something long enough it becomes a habit, these automated actions define the direction of your day and your life. We ensure that you are doing the right actions daily to design the life you want.
Holistic Embodiment of Health:
Ayurveda ensures we manage nourishment, sleep, and energy with skill. You stop treating symptoms with band-aid solutions and support good change at a deeper level.
Align With Your Life Purpose:
The underlying reason for all of this is to connect you to that deeper reason for being. You learn, work and live with elevated awareness.

Discover your Keystone Habit

You deserve to live your life purpose.

Nature has rules, they are universal and apply to all of us, they can not be escaped. When we follow these rules, we create daily routines that enrich our day, and fuel our life. We automate the habits that align with nature’s rhythm. This is Ayurveda, the circadian clock of the universe, drawing out the unlived, passionate life within you. Yoga calls this life your Dharma, life purpose.

Step 1

Watch the video “What is Year of YOU?”

Step 2

Read the Year of YOU Guide

Step 3

Book a Call with Jill

Learn More About The Year of YOU!

Here’s How it Works

The Year of YOU teaches 10 key habits that uplift your body and life, refining and automating these habits over the course of 4 seasons. Each week you are guided to a video lesson and journal reflection in the course hub. This accompanied by a live call with the community supports the new patterns you are creating. Each season has 11 live calls, and as you progress, embodying the concepts in a deeper way each time, you shift underlying beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. Growing into greater self-awareness, and connection to mind, body, and spirit.
Synergy Collaborative Health professionals, including Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Practitioners, and Western Physicians.  Included in your Year of YOU is a full assessment by an Ayuvedic Doctor who will help you create an ideal daily routine, or your personalized lifestyle medicine, and you will receive custom created Ayurvedic products to support your unique constitution.

Course Dates:

Registration Start Date End Date
June 1st Summer Cycle July 6, 2022 End of June 2023
Sept 1st Fall Cycle October 5, 2022 End of September 2023
Dec 1st Winter Cycle January 2023 End of December 2023
March 1st Spring Cycle April 2023

What is included?

  • Weekly guided lessons to support your growth in each habit, each season.
  • Access to Members Resource Hub for 12 months with over 70 video lessons
  • 44 Live Group Calls all recorded and available at your convenience
  • 80-page downloadable workbook
  • Ayurveda Consultation to determine your constitution
  • Individual Laser Coaching Sessions each quarter
  • Personalized health and wellness goal setting session
  • Discounts on all other Jill Novak Yoga Workshops, Cleanses, and Retreats.
  • Synergy Collaborative Health VIP support.
  • Meet with one of Synergy’s Ayurvedic Doctors for an initial assessment and quarterly follow up appointments. You will learn your dosha, be given a very specific dinacharya/daily routine that we will then begin to implement, slowly and steadily in the course.
  • Medical consultations can be booked quarterly, as well as Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness sessions throughout your year.
  • Get personally curated Ayurvedic essentials to support your journey. On staff is an Ayurvedic Practitioner that makes the teas, oils, and tinctures that Ayurveda prescribes for healing. It is more subtle, all natural, and 100% in line with the 10 habits that we will be integrating into our rhythms and routines.
    The support of this Wellness community takes our program to a whole new level. Your ability to get results starts as soon as you do. Our ability to customize for your unique issues gives us a specific and accurate starting point. Our ability to follow and support you for a whole year makes your results more powerful and sustainable. You learn to trust your inner wisdom, and this team will back up your knowing, helping you supercharge your trust in yourself. 

A Year of YOU

 $275/month with a 12-month commitment.
inclusive of GST.
Jill Novak Yoga

What can a Year of YOU do for You?

Here are some of the big results that people have reported once completing their year:

  • A full-term healthy baby after some disappointments
  • A winter without depression meds 
  • No annual winter health crash for the first time in 3 years
  • The ability to pick up the pieces quickly after life events that would at one time set me back months.
  • The ability to have hard conversations in my marriage and change the direction we were headed
  • The courage to start my own business, online course, commit to myself
  • A new ability to set boundaries that stop energy leaks that my old people-pleasing drained from me

I don’t know what your result will be.
I only know that I am always brought to tears by the way taking care of yourself changes your life.
It starts with one step….

What Participants Say

“The Year of You is definitely worth the investment in yourself. The Ayurvedic content is delivered in a way that is accessible and immediately applicable through videos, group discussions and one-on-one conversations (and sometimes even walks!). Jill has a knack for creating space for each person to discover what it is they need on their unique journey. I think of Jill and The Year of You as a cozy and warm space where you will learn, grow, discover, be challenged and make new friends while moving towards easeful living, self-acceptance and unlocking your true potential.”  – Lea W

“Developing practices and habits that promote healing is what I believe Ayurveda and Jill Novak’s “Year of You” are all about.  Following a path of ease and peaceful healing has helped me to daily adopt practices that have increased my feelings of strength and resilience and brought about profound shifts in my well-being.  I was diagnosed five years ago with Rheumatoid Arthritis and was taking 400 mg of Hydroxychloroquine a day to treat my symptoms of inflammation and joint deterioration.  In the past two years I began to decrease the dose and have now stopped taking the medication completely.  When I went for an assessment by a new rheumatologist, he said that the absence of symptoms means that I can now be without my medication.  I feel so empowered in my body now.  I feel strong and healthy and I feel like I have tools that help me orient to ease and wellness in my life.  I believe that the reason I no longer suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis is that the Ayurveda principles and habits I have been integrating have brought and continue to bring abundant healing.  The morning practice of daily meditation, gratitude journaling and drinking warm water have helped me begin my day without rushing, with peaceful inspiration and intention.  The habit of going to bed earlier also creates ease and helps me rest and renew at night.  The habit of eating an earlier, lighter dinner helps to anchor a peaceful sleep as well.  I believe that the peaceful attitude that has become a foundation of my daily life has helped my body heal and be restored so that I no longer need the medications that I did 5 years ago.  The spiritual habits of daily prayer and gratitude have also decreased my stress and helped me to see my work as a vocation that I can embrace with a sense of purpose and hope even while working in a stressful environment and amidst a global pandemic.  The practice of asking myself “what do I most need in this moment”? has helped me anchor a practice and stance of self-care and self-love that makes my daily living increasingly easy and hopeful.  I have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my adult life (for the past 35 years) and I have felt a significant shift with these illnesses as well.  The pace at which I take my life has become very serene and relaxed and the way I approach conflict and stressful events has changed remarkably over the past two years.”

“I love love love Jill. She has been a personal inspiration in her own life and changes (with willingness and vulnerability to share). She is high energy, so knowledgeable, and has helped with pain management and overall mental health. She asks probing questions, keeps us accountable, checks in, is supportive, and positive. She is also super inclusive and makes sure everyone gets a chance and is encouraged to open up.” – MB

“This course has taught me awareness; physical, mental, cravings, sleep patterns. I am able to see when I feel good and when I’m going or have gone off course. I can recognize this and step back in to get back on course. I’ve introduced earlier to bed, meditation, water in morning routine, lighter dinner. These are becoming natural. I’m exposing myself to some of the other habits that I have more resistance to but am not hard on myself about how they make me feel.” – CP

“The habits I have learned and worked with in the YofU course have provided me with a healthy baseline. A soft place to land and go back to. The course has given me a more gentle lens to see myself and recognize my growth. Jill leads with her heart and allows each of us to explore our own journey with guidance and knowledge to explore where we are in the moment. She cultivates a safe and enriching community who share ideas and experiences to support our collective growth. We explore these seemingly simple ‘habits’ that are so much more. I have benefited immensely from and highly recommend this course with Jill’s direction and support.”-Jill T

“I’m a busy mom of 3 and a full-time teacher. I’m also someone who has been working very hard over the past few years to find a work-life balance. I noticed that, as a teacher, I was beginning to burn out annually. What drew me to Jill’s course was a deep desire to put my health first. I wanted to make a sustainable change in my life that would enable me to feel full of energy again. I wanted to thrive in my life, both at home and at work.”

“Throughout this year I’ve learned to reconnect with my body and my inner intuition. I’ve learned to trust myself again. I’ve been equipped with so many tools to draw from as I take small steps of compassion towards myself. I’ve learned to ask the question, “What do I need right now?” And I now know how to respond. I’ve learned to layer self-care and rest throughout my daily life instead of waiting for the weekend or my next holiday. I’ve learned to use the habits to anchor me during busy times or times of stress. I’ve learned to honor the natural rhythms of my body through different times of the day, month, and season. The community that I’ve been able to tap into has been a rich resource of support, and also a place to speak our truth.”

The Year of You isn’t just another course or health challenge. It’s learning a new way of thinking and approaching your health and your life.”
– Stacey S